Economic activities in northern province of zambia pdf

Economic activities in northern province of zambia pdf. [1] The provinces are further subdivided into districts. Eastern Province is one of the Zambia’s ten provinces. Area Planted - North-Western Province; Northern Province and Tourist Sites M1 Major Road 16 Thomas Kweku Taylor et al. The literacy rate stood at 63 per cent in 2010 Livelihoods Programme in Northern Province, Zambia (IRDLP) and is primarily intended for extension agents to use with smallholder farmers engaged in semi-intensive fish farming in Northern Zambia. The largest activities in the province , in terms of annual funding, are USAID Let’s Read, and Suppor ting an AIDS Free Era (SAFE). Though lower than the national average , Nor th-Western Province faces an HIV prevalence rate of 6. 8% Formal employment* 7% 15% Informal employment 93% 85% **Youth Unemployment 40% 53% **Female youth USAID/Zambia implements 10 activities in the Health and Economic Development sectors in Luapula Province. 1 percent. I (October 2022), PP 11-17 Musuka et al. It was the backbone of the Northern Rhodesian economy during British colonial rule and fuelled the hopes of the immediate post-independence period, but its economic importance was severely damaged by a crash in global copper prices in 1973. Sep 3, 2024 · Copperbelt Province is a province in Zambia which covers the mineral-rich Copperbelt, and farming and bush areas to the south. Zambia Figure 1. Luapula Province is one of Zambia's ten provinces located in the northern part of the country. district, Central province honey production has increased drastically using this technology from 4 tonnes in 2004 to 10 tonnes in 2007. 000 df 9 Lusaka and Eastern Province is one of the Zambia’s ten provinces. We used case studies drawn from the literature, data collected from a household survey conducted in eight sites in three of the nine provinces, and secondary data from the Central Statistical Office and the Forestry Department. North-Western Province is one of ten Provinces of Zambia. Box 30080, Lusaka, 10101, Zambia Tel: (+260) 211 399300 E-mail: info@boz. This$40 million (2016-2024) initiative pivots on mainstreaming private sector led growth model whereby Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and smallholder farmers of Zambia are rendered competitive through improved access to markets and finance. The Provincial Administration is headed by a Provincial Minister, who is appointed by the President, and is responsible for overseeing the implementation of government policies and coordinating the activities of various government departments within the province. &quot;This paper analyses the extent to which dry forests contribute to rural livelihoods and the national economy in Zambia. North-Western. 4 percent compared to the national level of 69. USAID/Zambia implements 14 activities in the Health, Education, Economic, and Democracy and Governance development sectors in Muchinga Province. Economic contribution Beekeeping firstbecame a commercial activity in Zambia when Portuguese traders from Angola came searching for beeswax in the 1890s. 37 metric tons. North Western Province shares its borders with 3 Provinces namely, the Copperbelt Province, Central Province, and Western Province. 4, Issue 1 – 2020 ISSN: 2581-4869 Table 3. The Zambezi River is the province's southern border, and Lake Kariba, formed by the Kariba Dam, lies along the province's south-eastern edge. Aug 27, 2021 · Rainfed agriculture is the primary impact channel for agrarian economies like Zambia, but it is uncertain how future climate will be and by how much it will affect agriculture, household welfare, and economic growth. 4 and focuses mostly on Zambia’s climate change struggles, mainly in terms of negative impacts on Zambia’s agriculture and food production. The IRDLP is an Irish Aid-funded project implemented by WorldFish, Harvest Plus and the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). The provincial capital is Kabwe , which is the home of the Mulungushi Rock of Authority . The State of Fisheries in Zambia Mweru-Wantipa Northern Province Lake Tanganyika Northern Province Itezhi-Tezhi Central Province Lake Bangweulu Luapula Province Lake Mweru Luapula Province Lukanga Swamps Central Province Kafue River Southern Province Zambezi River Western Province Lake Kariba Southern Province The Fisheries Act of 1974 under Jun 1, 2016 · Zambia; †† Nsama is a newly c reated district council in Northern Province, for merly was an agricultural block under Kaputa District. Central Province has an area of 94,394 km (58,654 mi). Dec 13, 2019 · 1 Including districts in Northern Province, Muchinga, Copperbelt, North-w estern, Luapula, and parts of Central Province falling in agro-ec ological region III Jun 25, 2022 · For over two decades, Zambian smallholder farmers have been exposed to agroforestry technologies that have been widely researched and implemented. It covers an area of 125,826 km 2 (48,582 sq mi), has a population of 1,278,357 and a population density of 20 per square kilometre as of 2021. Download as PDF; Printable version; Kasama is a town in the Northern Province of Zambia. 4 billion) to national economy and 318. Zambia, [a] officially the Republic of Zambia, [b] is a landlocked country at the crossroads of Central, Southern and East Africa. Its diverse mineral endowment is entirely a function of the variety of geological terrains and the multiplicity of thermal tectonic events that have overprinted and shaped these terrains. That means Zambia tourism industry will have to have wholesale buyers experience the product. According to the survey conducted, there were 15 land based commercial fish farms in Lusaka, Copperbelt and Northern provinces and 10 cage culture operators, mainly based on Lake Kariba. It covers a total area of 51,476 Km2 and is divided into nine (9) Districts namely: Chipata, as the provincial Aug 11, 2023 · A nation with a rich legacy of copper production, Zambia’s economic vitality pivots around its burgeoning mining industry. As per the 2022 Zambian census , the Province had a population of 1,519,478, which accounted for 7. 3 million in 2021 in Northern Province. Central Province is one of Zambia's ten provinces. 2 percent) Provinces. O. Economic development sectors. 4 Economic activities. 1: Location of study area Chikankata District Southern Province, Zambia. USAID ACTIVITIES IN NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCE. Through the first decade of the 21st century, the economy of Zambia was one of the fastest-growing economies in Africa, and its capital, Lusaka, the fastest-growing city in the Southern African Development Community (SADC). Position of Zambia 2015). The three largest activities in the province, in terms of annual funding, are USAID Let’s Read, DISCOVER-Health, and Action HIV. [18] Abstract. 1). Among a population of perhaps one million, there were about 1,500 white residents. Its 24 km2 in size with the longest sides of the area that is 6 km trending in the northeast direction and the 4 km sides in the northwest direction encompassing central and northeastern areas of the Chilileka (Figure 1. The NAPA has been formulated by the Government of Zambia (2007), The Provincial Administration - Northern Province is an extension of Central Government (Cabinet Office) at Provincial level and has a mandate to provide administrative secretariat and coordinate effective implementation of national programmes and policies in the Province. accounted for 1% of Zambia’s GDP, which amounted to US$109 million. However, crops along the major rivers can be exposed to prolonged periods of heavy flooding, for example, those in Western Province or parts of Luapula and Northern provinces. Zambia is divided into ten provinces. Some had come to mine surface Zambia-Malawi border point 0 20 40 60 80 100 1-4 5-7 8-9 10-12 % School Attendance by Grade*** All Zambia Eastern Province (male) (female) Digital Access Waste Energy Water Eastern Province Zambia Economic Inactivity * 19% 23% Unemployment* 5% 7. The Province has special and unique features that Apr 9, 2024 · The Zambia Agribusiness and Trade Project (ZATP), is a flagship project that aims to deliver on the Jobs & Economic Transformation agenda. Kakuma is a semi-arid area under nomadic pastoral ism as the main activity. The Province lies in the Northern part of Zambia, bordering Luapula in the west and Muchinga Province in the east. Read full-text. We use an integrated framework that combines climate models, biophysical models, and an economy-wide computable general equilibrium model based on a 2007 Social Accounting Matrix Zambia has made significant progress in moving towards HIV epidemic control in recent years. Fish production per hectare ranged between 13 and 18 tonnes while total production was estimated to be approximately 4971. The administrative head of each province is the Permanent Secretary, appointed by the President. Dominating this landscape is the Copperbelt region, encompassing the mineral-rich Copperbelt Province and adjoining areas in Zambia’s northern territories. The Province shares an international boundary with the Democratic Republic of Congo in the North, Tanzania in the North-East, and the great lakes region through Lake Tanganyika. 0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5. It was also the irst time a report has being produced for each province. 4 million in 2021 in Luapula Province. 5 Ethnic groups. The province is made up of 12 districts, namely Kasama District (the provincial capital), Chilubi District, Kaputa District, Luwingu District, Mbala Distric Mar 15, 2024 · This leads to the loss of the integrity and productive capacity of the natural landscapes. The eastern border is the Kariba Gorge and Zambezi, and the north-east border is the Kafue River, forming its border with Lusaka Province. by a local project team. Poverty is highest in the Northern (79. In North-Western Province, USAID/Zambia implements 13 activities in the Health, Education and Economic development sectors. As a result of this exploitation, Zambia’s Northern Region accounts for about 18% of the country’s annual tree cover loss. Each province is headed by a minister appointed by the President and there are ministries of central government for each province. yZambia is a vivacious country forming a natural hub for the regions diverse activities. Northern Province is one of Zambia 's ten provinces. 3% Gross Domestic Product (GDP), making it the fastest and bullish economic sector in the country. Muchinga Province has an HIV prevalence rate of 5. The most comprehensive report on climate change in Zambia is Zambia’s National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) of September 2007. : Tourism Development Potential of the Northern Province of Zambia Sites and Areas of Archeological Interest and Historical Significance: The National Heritage Conservation Co mmission (NHCC) has identified and documented numerous Stone/Iron Age sites spread and Jun 26, 2015 · In a study with over 170 farmers in Northern Province, Nsonga (2015) found that small-scale farmers produce an average of 2 t/ha, while for North-Western Province, Simataa and Musuka (2013) found Productive activities are primarily fish farming, traditional rain-fed agriculture involved in growing maize, cassava, groundnuts and sweet potatoes. | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Zambian exports in 2006. Northern Province Zambia Economic Inactivity * 19% 23% Unemployment* 2% 7. zm USAID ACTIVITIES IN EASTERN PROVINCE. It covers approximately one-sixth of Zambia in land area. Chi-Square Test for employees in the tourism sector across ten Provinces of Zambia (2012-2013) Number of Provinces Total number of employees 10 101,629 X2 273. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS) e-ISSN: 2319-2380, p-ISSN: 2319-2372. However, additional work is needed to increase treatment coverage and reach the most vulnerable populations, especially adolescent girls and young women, and mobile and hard to reach populations who are disproportionately affected. This was mainly driven by increased uptake of digital inancial services. [8] It is typically referred to being in South-Central Africa or Southern Africa. There’s need for Zambia government through the ministry of tourism to put efforts to build a frame work for sustainable tourism in Zambia. Northern Province is renowned for its unique environmental features and resources that are unmatched in Zambia and, in many cases, the world. 4 percent. Thus this information also includes popu lation Central Statistical Office of Zambia. 7 percent), Eastern (70 percent), Southern (57. One of the rural districts in Zambia where smallholder farming is widespread is Kasama District of Northern Province. 4 percent, the . Though lower than the national average, Eastern Province faces an HIV prevalence rate of 7. Northern and Luapula Province s of Zambia. Jun 10, 2013 · The tourism industry is a developing and complex phenomenon, and it is gradually becoming one of the largest economic activities in the world (Bazina and Nedelea, 2008;Su and Lin, 2014). Natural Capital Northern Province is divided into five agro-ecological zones, where grassland predominates (50%), savanna (33%) and forest (12%) with just 0. As a result, Zambia has one of the highest concentrations of inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa, partly because of the huge income gap that exists between rural and urban areas. USAID/Zambia implements 20 activities in the Health, Education, Environment, Economic, and Democracy and Governance development sectors. The region enjoys a favorable agro-climate, characterized by appropriate soil and topography, making it ideal for agricultural activities. 0001 0. Dec 1, 2021 · PDF | A review of the performance of Zambia's agricultural sector in the 2020/2021 agricultural season. In 1911 these were united to form Northern Rhodesia, with its capital at Livingstone, near Victoria Falls. 8% Formal employment* 5% 15% Informal employment 95% 85% **Youth Unemployment 26% 53% **Female youth unemployment 28% 59% Inclusive Growth Opportunities • Employment and Youth Opportunity: Unemployment and economic activity in northern province is lower than national This paper highlights the potentials and opportunities of Northern Province of Zambia and applies some of the principles and characteristics enshrined in both the rural and eco-tourism concepts in evolving a strategic rural development framework for the promotion of sustainable rural development activities within the large territorial rural Mar 27, 2015 · Much of the country’s gainful economic activities are concentrated primarily in the highly-urbanized Copperbelt and Lusaka regions. 9MN (ZMK19. 72 per cent of the total Zambian population. A large propor tion of USAID’s REGISTERED OFFICES Head Office Bank Square, Cairo Road P. The province lies between the Luangwa River and borders with Malawi to the east and Mozambique to the south, from Chama in the Northeast to the North of Luangwa in the South. Zambia is a developing country, and it achieved middle-income status in 2011. Honey was not traded in those early days, but used to Page 17 International Journal of Trans. [2] The provincial capital is Solwezi. interfering in the day to day running of economic activities in the country under the Structural . The largest activities in the province, in terms of annual funding, are Scaling Up Nutrition Technical Assistance (SUN TA) and Zambia is divided into 10 provinces for administrative purposes. The Kafue Flats lie mostly within the province's northern border Scope of Northern Province Unique Features and Natural Resources. Luapula Province is named after the Luapula River and its capital is Mansa . This study was conducted in the northern part of Kenya, Turkana district, in Kakuma division. Jan 15, 2020 · Lusaka - Zambia: The government is working on moving key economic activities like agriculture and power generation to Northern and North -Western Provinces The framework for the interaction is illustrated below, with very good examples of Northern and Copperbelt Provinces of Zambia been elaborated: a. May 21, 2021 · For example, in the higher, steeper areas of districts in Muchinga Province, flooding is less of a risk because smaller areas of crops are exposed to the hazard. Nov 10, 2023 · Other crops are also expected to be adversely affected by higher temperatures, reduced rainfall, and increased occurrence of extreme events, particularly in southern and western Zambia. 1 Conclusion An overview of the various small-scale fish farming activities being conducted in Kafue district of Lusaka province, Zambia was established in this study. Additional small-scale economic activities include tourism and small-scale trade, which are of great importance in the area (Zambia vulnerability assessment committee, 2015). The province covers a surface area of about 125,826 square kilometres, making it the second largest province in the country according to area, only second to Western Province which sits at 126,386 Square Kilometers. Coordinates: 11°00′S 31°00′E. Volume 15, Issue 10 Ser. While less well-known for copper production than neighboring Copperbelt Province, North-Western’s output has surpassed that of the Copperbelt in recent years. Fishing is the lifeline of the people of Luapula Province and it is also the main economic activity for rural Zambians that live near the Fisheries. Northern Province is one of Zambia's ten provinces. Evidence for Health. Sep 9, 2024 · Zambia - Colonial Rule, Independence, Economy: At first the BSAC administered its territory north of the Zambezi in two parts, North-Eastern and North-Western Rhodesia. 9 thousand jobs to the Zambian economy in 2018 while posting a +6. The provincial capital is Kasama. Many of the establishment communication over the years with regular suppliers. Primary economic activities in the region are subsistence agriculture, fishing, and exploitation of forest resources. It covers a total area of 51,476 Km2 and is divided into nine (9) Districts namely: Chipata, as the provincial Dec 25, 2017 · Download full-text PDF. 9 Table 9: Characteristics and activities vital for small-scale fish farmers to optimize fish yields 5. Except for the Central and Northern Provinces, all have a higher population density than the national average, indicating a combination of high poverty rates and high absolute numbers of poor people . The Evidence for Health mechanism helps Zambia's Ministry of Health (MOH) improve the use of data for decision-making and expand the information base to strengthen and inform program development and performance improvement. Its aims were to study the impact of human settlement on vegetation and soil resources and the socio-economic environment. There are Deputy Permanent Secretary, heads of government departments and civil servants at the is Zambia’s fastest-growing national economic sector, contributing US$1,846. 6 percent), and Central (56. 36% used for agriculture. in Tourism & Hospitality Management and Cultural Heritage Vol. 383 P < . 6 Suburbs. Agriculture in Northern Province consists almost entirely of This paper highlights the potentialities and opportunities for the promotion of tourism in the Northern Province of Zambia and applies some of the principles and characteristics enshrined in both the rural and eco tourism concepts towards evolving a strategic rural development framework for the promotion of sustainable rural development activiti In Northern Province, USAID/Zambia implements nine activities in the Health, Education, and Economic Development sectors. Survey indings showed that Northern Province had the third lowest level of inancial inclusion amongst all provinces at 59. Through these activities, USAID will directly invest approximately $14. It is the most sparsely populated province in the country. North-Western Province. Agriculture Statistics, 2020. pmplumf hopst paqj tpf yaotw qsgps kbpsp jggl wxfesbh aahelf